Building for good in the Metaverse

MarrowDAO is a sub-DAO of a mysterious DAO, building for good in the Metaverse.


We create NFTs for innovative web3 projects and provide curatorial support for creators who believe in the future of crypto art.

Curate For Good
We will use our DAO fund to purchase parcels and lands in the metaverse to help creators who care about public goods and the spirit of open source to hold their own exhibitions in the metaverse.

Create For Good
We help creators understand the spirit and the future of Web 3.0 world. We will make creative wearables for more Web 3.0 projects, and host some online events to attract more people to participate.

Airdrop For Good
We unite creators to airdrop open source project-themed NFTs to crypto enthusiasts as much as we can. Crypto enthusiasts can spread the open source spirit by wearing these NFTs in the Metaverse.

How to Join Us?

Whether you are a creator, a landowner or an architect in the Metaverse, we welcome you to join us. For now, you can contact us by sending emails.

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